Channel: May 2005 – mlog
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Nothing has a URI, everything is available


Chris Masse is an old fashioned (email) networker. Most recently he sent me a couple emails regarding my aside in this post:

Another complaint about HedgeStreet and to a lesser extent TradeSports: lack of easily linkable URLs for contracts. C’mon, it’s the web, get with the program!

Back to that concern in a second. First, I noticed that Chris included me in his list of blogs about prediction markets. I got a kick out of my entry:

Mike Linksvayer’s blog – My opinions only. I do not represent any organization in this publication.

  • Category: Prediction Markets
  • Mike Linksvayer is a developer, consultant and IT manager who is into open source software and public domain—among multiple tech topics.
  • He was recently profiled by one of his former Creative Commons’ colleague.
  • I think of him as a libertarian Democrat (or a Democratic libertarian)—I’m not sure, though.
  • He’s been good to me, but I fear him. The day I’ll miss a piece, he’ll assassinate me—cold blood. (Take a look at how he teared down economist Tyler Cowen.)
  • A Robin Hanson-compatible guy.
  • OUTING: Mike Linksvayer is a TradeSports affiliate.

Not bad. I’m registered to vote as an independent though I wouldn’t be the least bit upset if libertarian Democrats had some success.

Back to my complaint. Chris has a page with links to all(?) TradeSports markets. I was aware of these market URLs, and of URLs for individual contracts (beware: this content will attempt to resize your browser winodw). That’s why I said “to a lesser extent for TradeSports.” However, these URLs are obviously designed without consideration of access other than via the larger TradeSports website. They never appear in your browser’s URL bar, making them a pain to discover and they’re either incomplete or badly behaved.

If the Trade Exchange Network wants to be the authoritative prediction markets maker (interesting that they’re seeking to be a CFTC regulated exchange) one tiny step would be to make it easy for people to link to them. Better yet each market and contract would have a feed. Even better yet, an API for accessing market data and generating custom charts. In other words, take several cues from Amazon, eBay, and many others.

Apologies to Hassan i Sabbah’s legend.

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